Sep 14, 2020


To: Dr. Joseph Hupy

From: Cole Bramel 

Date: September 8th, 2020 

Subject: Week One Field Notes

For this week’s lab, my group was unable to perform a dry run of the setup, flight, and takedown of the drone. The positive was that my group got to watch all other flight groups perform a simple mission and go through the breakdown and setup of the drone. This lets our team observe multiple times what to do right and what those teams did wrong while following along in the checklist. we witnessed teams try and switch steps around and Hupy explaining why the steps were in the order that they were. The teams then asked if it was okay to optimize the checklist for our crew's workflows. There was encouragement for each crew to find what order works for them as long as all the steps remain intact. There were also ideas of adding more steps into the checklist because there were some things that the students needed to check yet they were not on the checklist. We also got to set up some GCPs at the beginning and were taught how to use them. To set up the GCPs, you need to make sure that the unit isn’t close to trees if it can be prevented and that the unit is turned on for at least 45 minutes before you start your operation. 
